《自由种子》又名Yego prevoskhoditelstvo、Seeds of Freedom、自由種子。
"This 1928 film features stylized cinematography and actors from the Moscow Art Theater in a fiction story based on the life of Jewish Labor Bund memberHirsch Lekert who attempted to assassinate the Vilna governor in 1902 to avenge the flogging of workers who participated in a May Day rally." by National Center for Jewish Film
熊仔俠 2014-07-27
[筆記]電影講述了沙俄末期猶太社會主義者團體Bund的成員Hirsh Lekert對當時維爾紐斯長官Victor von Wahl行刺失敗一事。算是國內鮮有人知曉的歷史吧。本片也是屬於上世紀20年代蘇俄那一類「猶太人題材電影」的其中一部。