A woman who is about to *** calls the town's priest and hands him a scapulary, saying that she knows of its ***** powers. Anybody who does not believe in them will end up dead. ***** classic Mexican cinema. Its about the power of a scapular and its passage between brothers finally arriving to an old lady. As she lies in the death bed she gives the scapular to the village priest...
L'llariit 2022-08-02
标志性摄影一看就知是Gabriel Figueroa,神父叩门入室时即有“主持感”,它与El fantasma del convento有相似之处,或者说它一定程度上浓缩涵盖了之前以墨西哥**为题材的虚构类电影的变迁,又聆听到68年的政治强音,fantasma所指的进一步发酵