《Ma-ma》又名Mummy、Мама、Rock 'n Roll Wolf。
Mrs. Rada the Goat tells her five children to behave while she goes to the fair, and under no circumstances open the door to anyone except her. But the Big Bad Wolf, Kostika (Titi) Suru, and his nephew, the Little Bad Wolf, along with friends Rassul the Lynx and Petrika the Donkey has made a plan to kidnap the children while their mother is away. And when the eldest child, Mate...
丁小美∣种草机 2022-12-10
电影还挺***,里面有一段电线上群燕的芭蕾舞,领舞的是Ekaterina Maximova、Alexander Bogatyrev 和 Irina Fadeecheva,另外三位舞者猜测也是来自莫大~