In the 1860's, New England shipping magnate William Marlowe tries to force his vivacious daughter Mary to marry stuffy Lord Hurley, but she becomes enamoured of John Carlton, one of Marlowe's clerks. Marlowe intercepts the couples' love notes and fires John, who later meets with Mary on the night of the ***** celebrating her engagement to Hurley. John tells Mary that he is movi...
Cinema is dead 2020-05-30
Frances Marion剧作的原创性很强,且涉猎类型广泛:1.第一幕还是比较套路的爱情喜剧,但第二幕就意外地变成西部片了,而后在第三幕(有中年、老年两个部分)又转为婚姻剧。2.比起传统的三幕式电影,其实用多类型复合的章节电影来称呼本片更加恰当;主角两人的婚姻爱情关系是明确的线索,所以逻辑很清晰、不会让观众看得迷糊。3.女性视角明显,尤其是在第二章节的西部片里还是更关注妻子而不是牛仔男主。
sarah🇺🇦 2014-05-04
American Dream + The Good Wife嘛。// 話說那個小三也太搞不清狀況了吧。// 老了之後更萌了。“Secret joys, secret sorrows, lovely n some dreadful secrets" "They all belong to us and we can't share with you" // 畫質很渣。
橙子换马甲 2010-05-06
前半部好囧好欢乐好有默片感,牛仔LH >< 后半部突然傻掉了啊有钱人真讨厌orz
**禁言时分 2021-01-16
开头Leslie骑单车自带喜剧效果。大裙摆(ˉ﹃ˉ)到了西部以后的剧情就很令人费解,变成抗x奇侠等缝合产物。嘛…富家女和穷小子私奔到西部,经历恶徒打劫围剿丧失长子,小三威胁上位等种种风波…最后“浪子回头”白头到老。。。what can I say。。评论里说成是四幕剧倒是描述的有些合理。内容是丰富的,风格是杂糅的。
九毛 2015-12-26
如果有中文字幕就好了T T,感觉挺有趣的但是看得一知半解。LH帅出新高度,老年之后特别可爱