Continuing their exploits against the Yugoslav National Liberation Army, the Ballists attack an echelon of wounded warriors led by Dr. M. He takes the wounded to a nearby town. Aware that the justice is on the side of Doctor M., Ramadan, son of one of the Ballist leaders, joins him and contributes to defeat of the Ballists.
二战电影馆 2022-03-13
二战结束时,德军从科索沃**撤出,但在该地区仍有他们的**者团体,即所谓的 弩炮。 M 医生站在一个纵队的前头,试图将**的游击队员从 Drenovica 运送到 Peja,担心会遭到弹道攻击。 弩炮队长的儿子知道正义站在 M 博士一边,所以他加入了他的行列。