A young girl, raised on a small, remote farm by parents who haven't talked to each other in years, falls in love with a convict who has escaped from a nearby road gang. As the posse closes in, the couple realizes that the young convict's uncontrollable acts of rage have, and will, prevent them from enjoying the happy life they had planned for each other.
** 2018-07-30
是黑色电影的主线,不受家人待见的自卑女孩,碰到逃跑在途的男人,两人相约亡命天涯。但电影却加入了许多支线,延缓了节奏,增加了许多森林中的镜头,把Ida Lupino 这个角色刻画得更加烂漫纯真
Caneloni 2015-12-31
杨浦小囡 2017-05-23