《美丽的女磨坊主》又名The Miller's Beautiful Wife、诱惑。
Luca (Marcello Mastroianni) is a man who runs a mill and he is married to Carmela (Sophia Loren), a beautiful wife, set in Naples in 1860. But his wife's beauty catches the eye of Don Teofilo the Governor (Vittorio De Sica), who sets about to have Carmela. He has Luca arrested on trumped up charges, and then tries seduce Carmella. She resists, so he tells her he can free Luca, ...
斯托科夫 2020-02-24
#资料馆 看德西卡和马斯楚安尼飙戏还挺有意思,是那种吵吵闹闹的意大利喜剧风格。
scholarschwein 2017-09-25
片名有误,从意大利语片名“La bella mugnaia”翻译过来应为“美丽的女磨坊主”。故事背景定于1860年,西班牙人占领下的那不勒斯。第一次看了维托里奥-德-西卡作为男主,名字列于罗兰和马斯楚安尼之前,一个**熏心又萌萌哒的总督。罗兰唱的拿波里民歌“Bocca di rosa”无限循环中。DVD di Il Pertini