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《Nem Sansão Nem Dalila》又名Neither Samson Nor Delilah。
“Chanchada”是50-60年代在**影坛流行的一种喜剧片类型,用夸张的形体,幽默的对白,略带超现实的故事情节更主要的是对腐朽政府机制和社会现实的讽刺。 Barber's jeep crash against crazy scientist's house, where the latter was building a time-machine. The crash triggers the machine, taking them to Gaza kingdom, circa 1153 B.C., where they get involved in many funny situations. Spoof of Cecil B. DeMille's Samson and Delilah (1949). This was the first...
L'llariit 2020-09-11
**圣经故事时掺进不少私料,整体和局部线索统一得勉强,歌舞片段在穿越的时空里剥离掉不同语言的违和感,oscarito始终喜欢不起来,carlos manga是chanchada导演里一抹清新,与atlântida cinematográfica互相成就彼此