Sally was an orphan who got her name from the telephone exchange where she was abandoned as a baby. In the orphanage, she discovered the joy of dancing and has been practicing since. Working as a waitress, she goes from *** to *** until she finds a *** that also allows her to dance. At the restaurant, she meets Blair, and they both fall for each other, but Blair is engaged ****...
巽凌 2017-05-28
终于轮到(Shut Up Shut Up / Zip Zip Don't Sing Don't Talk)Marilyn Miller(Barely An Actress / Professional Dancer)默男Jack Pickford第二任妻子(家暴 / 似乎Mary Pickford并不买她账 — 没记错的话);Pert Kelton;Nora Lane(Bit);Joe E. Brown