Ranyevskaya returns **** or less bankrupt after ten years abroad. Luxuriating in her fading moneyed world and regardless of the increasingly hostile forces outside, she and her brother snub the lucrative scheme of Lopakhin, a peasant turned entrepreneur, to save the family estate. In so doing, they put up their lives to auction and seal the fate of the beloved orchard. Set at t...
长个儿 2011-06-17
83年@old vic,87年,9?年,00年,10年
吴邪 2022-10-10
@Peter Brook, **庄园的布景很有匠心,和62年RSC版比形式感&空间感更强,契诃夫的戏谑里总有悲凉,“生命过得真快啊,我好像还没生活过”
未知 2012-07-27