Nine filmmakers for one extraordinary archive. The Istituto Luce turned ninety in 2014, its long history intertwined with that of Italy itself, through cinema and that unique treasure trove of images known to all as the Luce Archives. To celebrate its anniversary, some of the most acclaimed rising filmmakers in Italy were invited to make a small film, with each director selecti...
wangzhy 2021-05-22
初看以为是纪念 Luce 研究所 90 Anni 做的短篇集 但实则每位新导演从大量的素材里面挑选了自己的切入视角 个人日记 宗教神迹伪历史 研究员的梦想 阐述声音甚至从**统治到女权意识的断代演变 配上画面有的是战争时期的**铸造 有的是战前战后的浮光掠影 有的是乡间生活自然百态 影调一流甚至和不同的旁白构成两层叙述信息主客体 **特效处理和每一部分的配乐都重新体现了创作本身的意味