When Dr. Haing S. Ngor was forced into labor camps by the Khmer Rouge, little did he know he would escape years of torture and recreate his experiences in a film that would win him an Academy Award®. "The Killing Fields of Dr. Haing S. Ngor" tells the dramatic story about arguably the most recognizable survivor of the Cambodian genocide, a man who became a worldwide ambassador ...
搜游子 2024-10-23
BD50 曾奕田的亚裔美国人故事 Arthur Dong's Asian American Stories [Blu-ray] 之一
little-nana 2022-03-28
Q影誌 2022-05-04
3- 其实有大量关于柬埔寨的历史背景介绍,是很好的,可惜拍得太自恋了
你sha不sha 2022-03-30