An intense and solitary teenager, Paul finds himself caught up in a journey for *******, full of violence, betrayal and hope. Abandoned by his father, torn between his mother, with whom he maintains a tender if tormented relationship, and his punk friends, with whom he hangs out at concerts, parties and street fights, he lives fully in the present. At a concert, Paul meets Loui...
lola 2013-02-23
Brontë 2013-02-27
个人感觉这是一部试图描述生存状态的电影,片中除了主角外出现了各路朋克乐队的现场,印象最深的是ADICTS的主唱与主角对话最后那句Don't be a clown,对于主角这种真正敢于承担自己选择而付出代价的人来说,这部电影也没有一个明确的**,对于青春**岁月的焦躁不安,也许这是一个永恒的无解的话题