后期的Truffaut可能会让一些影迷失望,作为新浪潮导演,他改变风格;作为**者,他充满妒忌;作为丈夫,他反复**;作为公民,他政治立场奇特;作为朋友,他与戈达尔反目;作为Hitchcock的迷弟,他明目张胆地抄袭…可能会让人很多幻灭甚至憎恶吧。他的女儿倒是对他评价极高。但这段时期他拍出了好几部我非常喜欢的电影,如《Wild Child》《The Green Room》等
dayday 2019-03-14
- the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in a movie theater is to go down to the front and turn around, and look at all the uplifted faces, the light from the scree reflected upon them.
vanessa 2022-09-15
后期的Truffaut可能会让一些影迷失望,作为新浪潮导演,他改变风格;作为**者,他充满妒忌;作为丈夫,他反复**;作为公民,他政治立场奇特;作为朋友,他与戈达尔反目;作为Hitchcock的迷弟,他明目张胆地抄袭…可能会让人很多幻灭甚至憎恶吧。他的女儿倒是对他评价极高。但这段时期他拍出了好几部我非常喜欢的电影,如《Wild Child》《The Green Room》等
dayday 2019-03-14
- the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in a movie theater is to go down to the front and turn around, and look at all the uplifted faces, the light from the scree reflected upon them.
悲辛無盡獨行夜 2019-04-20
在线 ***.***********/watch?v=DJFJiuoBP_0&feature=youtu.be 兰普林旁白,