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Encounter group, featuring Carl Rogers and **** Farson as the facilitators
'I was afraid we might not get to know each other by the end of this, but now I feel I'm going to make it'
还没找到16小时的原版,看了45分钟的诊疗过程,需要在心力旺盛的时候看,看一集都觉得背负了重负,治疗师确实很辛苦。在**上找到了其他的罗杰斯咨询实录,也很有帮助。有需要的可以搜索一下Carl Rogers and Gloria
Alex 2020-12-10
Encounter group, featuring Carl Rogers and **** Farson as the facilitators
Label 2024-01-19
'I was afraid we might not get to know each other by the end of this, but now I feel I'm going to make it'
Icey 2022-10-04
还没找到16小时的原版,看了45分钟的诊疗过程,需要在心力旺盛的时候看,看一集都觉得背负了重负,治疗师确实很辛苦。在**上找到了其他的罗杰斯咨询实录,也很有帮助。有需要的可以搜索一下Carl Rogers and Gloria