Set to two tracks originally intended to appear on West's seventh studio album (the album that would become "The Life of Pablo"), this Steve McQueen-directed short serves as a dramatic representation of West's creative mania, with him darting and dodging to avoid the camera.
IMCLOUDS 2020-03-17
看似简单 实则映**黑人社会现状
我们在一九八四 2024-09-09
all day 就是侃爷自己的this is america和empire state of mind,他用一首歌表达了美国黑人的困境和个体的发达,太牛了! i feel that 有点心理咨询,有问有答有来有往! 侃爷的节奏和思想真是无人能敌! all day我老婆**更大、不挣八位数都不算挣钱、我们黑人文化也成主流文化了,至理名言啊!
我是可爱小仓鼠 2024-06-11
信。 2024-02-16
《I Feel Like That》还有法海参与的版本。