People are under the misapprehension that their life is like a motion picture that will be remembered as such, but it's not. It's a photograph, a still photograph. “孩子们是未来”庞氏**和讽刺语气胜过说谎两个梗不错。
TimberNord 2018-11-10
not really funny and even a bit sad. the delivery is old fashioned and the manner is a bit woody... but still there r sparks of genuine self reflection. self reflections of a man who is getting old and well past his prime. i like him
托尼·王大拿 2023-12-25
Black sheep; 2021-12-14
欧森 2022-02-07
**跳跳 2020-08-03
daddy jokes,人老了deadpan不起来了
-campfire 2020-12-31
MuyBien 2018-10-15
说话含含糊糊吞吞吐吐的style。最好的是“could you tell them to put in the contract that... I am sad”,其他就还好。
最魂 2021-11-01
New style to me. Unexpected angle.
Crumbs 2021-10-03
Norm MacDonald splits people.冲着这句话找来他的喜剧看,是喜欢的。没想到他半个月之前已经去世了。(查了一些他的资料,读了一点果戈里,发现他可能是Norm灵感的来源。)
脱*核糖十三 2018-01-16
People are under the misapprehension that their life is like a motion picture that will be remembered as such, but it's not. It's a photograph, a still photograph. “孩子们是未来”庞氏**和讽刺语气胜过说谎两个梗不错。
TimberNord 2018-11-10
not really funny and even a bit sad. the delivery is old fashioned and the manner is a bit woody... but still there r sparks of genuine self reflection. self reflections of a man who is getting old and well past his prime. i like him