During the 70's, this film was banned in Brazil by the military government's censorship, and even its exportation was prohibited. When there's a crisis in power, the man who holds this power is also personally disturbed. His defeat is thorough and complete. A dictator, in a moment of serious national crisis, confronted in the streets and countryside by revolt and guerilla, make...
戈尔贡佐拉 2024-07-07
平行剪辑 极尽讽刺 哪个是现实 睁眼说瞎话的还是……脆弱又丑陋 blah blah blah
1 2011-11-23
暂时被** 2020-09-06
60年代**新电影。安德烈亚 托纳奇。融合了历史与神话、个人的执著与社会问题、纪录片现实主义与超现实主义、现代主义与民间传说。在对民粹主义的民族主义、政治批判和风格创新的杂合中,令人回想起20年代**的现代主义电影运动。一种更为极端的先锋派,来自“地下”的影片范例,对好品味展开了全面的攻击。可怕的**和呕吐场景故意用草率的技术记录。这种自称的“垃圾美学”野蛮地嘲讽着饥饿美学,很多场景都是对罗沙、格拉及其同僚所拍电影的戏仿。无资源