《广域暴力团:流血的领地》又名Bloody Territories、Wide-Area Violence: Yakuza Territory of Bloodshed、Kôiki bôryoku: ryuuketsu no shima。
A once-powerful yakuza clan disbands as a result of a police crackdown, but one small group refuses to bow to police pressure, and launches a campaign to take over Tokyo’s drug, prostitution, and gambling rackets. Someone wants to stop them. Is it the police? Rival gang members? Or is it an entirely new group of hired killers who will stop at nothing to gain complete control of...
婕呢1999 2021-06-18
罗西基 2015-09-27
三星,风雨中抱紧自己的坚守,结果依然毁灭于尔虞我诈的无仁义之战。Nakamaru Tadao太文质彬彬,不适合演绎极道人物;Akira Kobayashi不错,那股子戾气改也改不掉。全篇整体性稍弱,最后一段恶战,双方均被浑浊的雨水吞噬,设计的有想法。
*饱 2021-03-17
版本1 - MKV-1.33 GB-853-364-日语-英软字幕