Comedian and actor Chris D’Elia ("Undateable"), known for his dynamic physical comedy, explains why the NFL would be way **** entertaining if it were real lions, bears and Vikings battling each other, that babies are the worst prize ever, and that you should never ask a Cuban directions unless you’re ready for the best time of your life.
Maxthor 2020-01-11
Chris D'Elia火力全开,创作大型专场脱口秀的初期,话题和深度其实都还不算特别精华,甚至有一些话题会让正常观众感到莫名其妙,毫无逻辑;但已经看得出后期很多精辟的笑点的影子,例如其夸张**的动作,口无遮拦地炮轰以及一贱到底的本色。
脱*核糖十三 2016-01-15
Drinking ****: drink every time he says “like” or laughs at his own jokes before the audiences do.
昼夜售蓝 2021-04-09
P 2015-05-01
Bombing (as always) aside, he is way hotter in person.
一颗小药丸 2018-02-08
名字特别酷的人 2017-09-13
MuyBien 2018-04-25
最后讨论男女关系的部分还不错,"I've been literally running around all day!"。前面有些桥段真的太硬,很尴尬(比如baby出来啥用没有)。扭曲变形的肢体动作,还有讲笑话前先自己笑,算是特**。
何重人格 2017-07-10
eihiahahahaha 魔性到晚上做梦梦到他在地铁站说完了一整个talkshow
未时 2018-01-31
生活的尴尬+直男约会大实话 笑声太魔性竟然还有点可爱
momo 2017-09-26
Wait a minute buster! That's not true! 233333