i imagine you always had this kind of taste? should stop ******. u know how chill n f charming u can be ? do u have any idea? the impact be like im two pieces away from collapse. dzyns thashy attitude to me would cure all the ills of ** lazyass behaviors, leading to a live of fulfillment n opportunity for me. i believe.
Nanccccccy 2016-11-08
大选前最后的狂欢 cold open总结性鸡汤 opening monologue算是近来少数写得不错又有host特点的吧 结尾谢幕时Kate踮脚和Bill Murray抱了好久:)
myemolandfill 2017-07-17
最近迷上本尼 夏三岁这个外号好萌啊
皮皮兔 2017-01-19
补标。Kohler 广告笑死,觉得坐在座便器上的书记特别性感是怎么回事。某些片段太污了不忍直视。向倒带人生造型表白。
祸害王 2016-11-14
RealityBites 2016-11-10
cold opening*泪点,特别是大选事后来看的话。本尼表现真不错,最近颜值、身材都大回升。**单身派对笑死了,长发可爱。
突然粉碎 2016-11-07
Evelyn桃桃 2018-05-23
cold opening好评,然而永远是做梦(。monologue太尬了简直噩梦…饶了科勒吧(*/ω\*)***段子致命尴尬…
RIC 2016-11-15
🍄 2022-06-09
i imagine you always had this kind of taste? should stop ******. u know how chill n f charming u can be ? do u have any idea? the impact be like im two pieces away from collapse. dzyns thashy attitude to me would cure all the ills of ** lazyass behaviors, leading to a live of fulfillment n opportunity for me. i believe.
资深低阶路人 2021-05-27