do they really mean it when they say 'I can't believe this I'm hosting Saturday night live!' ? i never laughed once watching snl. [tough love] You have this ... I can't describe. It is something incredible that can resonates w people, the whole rhythm of it was unlike anything those fakers do. And somethingwas in the air that was said we want to hear his voices.
小龍人Rio 2017-01-28
D酱 2017-01-27
momo 2017-02-11
这一集太好笑了 make snl ***** again
Back to Life 2017-02-03
开场笑哭oh wait thats the womens march... host的段子也还行 an entire gender protested against him 然后lalaland那个哈哈哈 其实我也觉得westworld有一点slow不过还是很好看啊
双层芝士 2017-01-22
Five Star 简直笑死了,本期最佳。
🍄 2022-07-09
do they really mean it when they say 'I can't believe this I'm hosting Saturday night live!' ? i never laughed once watching snl. [tough love] You have this ... I can't describe. It is something incredible that can resonates w people, the whole rhythm of it was unlike anything those fakers do. And somethingwas in the air that was said we want to hear his voices.
小龍人Rio 2017-01-28
D酱 2017-01-27
momo 2017-02-11
这一集太好笑了 make snl ***** again
Back to Life 2017-02-03
开场笑哭oh wait thats the womens march... host的段子也还行 an entire gender protested against him 然后lalaland那个哈哈哈 其实我也觉得westworld有一点slow不过还是很好看啊
干姜美式 2017-02-19
目前为止本季最佳 吐槽拉拉蓝和西部世界的sketch真是笑死
大白臉WC15 2017-01-28
猩猩 2017-01-23
aziz不愧是老练的段子手!好多不错的段子呢这期。。。5star段子比黑镜那集好看多了lol 凯特姐唱musical也是好sexy..印象中西裔妞是第一次演女一?段子简直是量身定做的。。。内敛尴尬但是够萌!可是最后给观海唱的歌有点怪?
Raison d'Être 2017-02-21