Dark Horse is the inspirational true story of a group of friends from a workingman's club who decide to take on the elite "sport of kings" and breed themselves a racehorse. World Premiere
lowai 2016-06-04
好励志的documentary啊... 不过最后那个马还是伤得退役了(是不是不能跳高的障碍)...居然用stem cell来修复受损的肌腱...不知道在人身上是不是也这么做了
番茄沙拉酱 2021-11-22
2021.11.21 看得我痛哭流*的,太感人 太振奋人心了
Ck 2016-04-07
"Their tale has the classic feelgood arc, but it’s also very political, revealing the snobbery directed not just at the owners but at the horse itself – even one of its trainers describes it resembling 'a snotty-nosed little comp boy turning up at Eton on his first day.'"
dopamine 2017-09-09
like it very much, for personal reasons
JoshuaLi 2016-05-09