两个浑浑噩噩、智商欠费的兄弟为获得一把电锯,把村子搅得鸡飞狗跳。该片用活泼明快的手法,为观众奉上了一幅拉脱维亚乡村风情画。 A comical story about two brothers living in a countryside trying to solve their problems in their own way. Kris and Otto find themselves in the middle of caricature reality of countryside lifestyle; whether it’s family support, ego bragging, gasoline marketing, or playing music anywhere you go.
西瓜大侠女 2016-10-20
2016.10.17 拉脱维亚短片集,**文化中心,第九届欧盟电影展。浓郁的俄罗斯民族风情,俩不靠谱的兄弟!很有意思!居然售罄了,都是16号商业院线的欧盟电影展卖票闹的吧,之前都没人关注! 之后的镜中人、亲爱的小鱼、爸爸、钾元素公园都非常棒!有想法有风格贯穿自我与亲情,很好!天马行空的想象力