《歌手的孤独》又名The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Singer。
In 1974, Marker made La solitude du chanteur de fond, which follows Yves Montand as he prepares a benefit concert for Chilean refugees. That Montand had not performed live in many years made his participation in this concert all the **** significant. The portrait of Montand is intercut with footage from films in which he starred, including Costa Gavras'*** (1969) and L'Aveu (19...
欢乐** 2020-12-02
对手部及其他身体局部的特写,情感寓意的流通口与切分器;彩排影像与电影片段的拼贴(Chris Marker惯用手法),合成一个具有强烈倾向的政治光谱——这是一个歌手的孤独和*守。
吞云吐雾狮子兔 2024-01-08
Muyan 2014-01-04
La Solitude du chanteur de fond, de Chris Marker, France, 1974, 60’, coul. 前 CONFÉRENCE "Monteiro : Contre l'horreur sociale, de la beauté"
近旁 2019-04-07
奥利 2018-11-16
Sing for people! 非常漂亮的纪录,摄影与剪辑非常好。为义演彩排精确严谨到很多细节,同时也展现出蒙当本人对当下的看法以及作为艺术家的艺术本能(蒙当游走自如的手一直都有被镜头关注)。
Methy 2019-06-08