《西部刀锋》又名斧手传奇、A Man Called Blade。
一个赏金猎人来到一个小镇,他被雇来寻找市长失踪的女儿。 A bounty hunter arrives in a mining town and is hired to track down the missing daughter of the town's crippled mayor and learns she has been kidnapped by the mayor's corrupt right-hand-man and a band of outlaws he is secretly working for.
罗西基 2020-11-10
四星:快抢与夺命斧,西部片元素叠加了武侠小说的某些意境,效果不错。Maurizio Merli的气质其实挺适合这一类冷面硬汉角色的,不过英雄古来多磨难,该吃的苦头也没少吃。