《魔幻情天》又名魔咒奇缘、Under a Spell。
A ***** and Complex Romance About Love, Ignorance, Corruption and Intolerance. In 1928, in a revolutionary Mexico, in the small village of Progreso nearby the harbor in the district of Yucatan, Eliseo (Daniel Acuna) is the son of a violent stevedore, who is one of the founders of the local Union. The boy has a sister, mother and two friends, and is not a good student. He freque...
L'llariit 2022-07-30
石油国有化前的Puerto Progreso,加以粉饰的现实主义-现实主义,去政治化,时间跨度不大,德国水上飞机坠毁确有其事,对立某种程度落在教育系统上,世纪末重审尤卡坦州在30s终于迎来的el Cardenismo,为什么要说这部是墨西哥新电影呢...
guyu-如沐春风 2006-04-24
2004年4月23日 百年孤独样式的生猛故事