An unmistakable ****** of the intersection between documentary and narrative, Mark Rappaport easily ranks among the ***** filmmakers of our time. As Jonathan Rosenbaum noted in the introduction to his Cineaste interview with the director from 1996, "Rappaport virtually invented a new form of film criticism in ROCK HUDSON'S HOME MOVIES, a melange of clips and commentary..." FROM...
Leave no trace 2021-08-12
Rappaport尝试用影像书写银幕上的女性形象。仅仅为女性角色掀开**,唤醒她们在影像背后的声音是不可能的,只能是虚构一个女性的主体,创造一个有强烈自我意识的Jean Seberg,她是电影史中一个被想象的女性银幕形象的**体,也是个人史中的流行文化符号和挣扎的女性。这两个形象同样由表演、影像和声音所虚构,Seberg的银幕形象与由演员在这部“纪录片”中所扮演的Seberg碰撞,两个形象相互浸入,最后电影结束,我们又如何评判Rappaport创造的这个Seberg呢。a truly thought provoking “fictional biography”,还可以参考导演给mubi制作的anna/nana视***。
迟到王 2020-04-15
从Jean Seberg的一生发散,由男性书写,女性讲述的电影史,用特写连接male gaze,我们审视她们也就是审视自己。但到底还是被一位男性导演重构和转述的。“I look at each individual spectator as if I’m sharing something with him, but what is it that we’re sharing? ** expression defies interpretation. If you can read any thoughts into it, it’s only your own thoughts that you’re reading. Leave me out of it.”