Jennie Stanton (Torrey DeVitto) throws the best Christmas parties every year for her company, Petra's Parties. Things are a little different this year, as Petra is retiring and looks to the next generation to take over. Jennie thinks she has her new *** in the bag, until Petra's charismatic nephew, Nick (Steve Lund), shows up as "seasonal ****" and his natural talent and confid...
智安 2017-01-19
如果不是男主好看,绝对看不到结束的。庸俗的矛盾,庸俗的转折,庸俗的pep talk. 但是男主真好看啊, 啊~~
Gen 2017-12-06
Abe 2015-10-19
为了看墙头而看然后看完我就安息了,因为我忘记了lifetime的台标还有xmas movie的主题。(当然也受到了小吨位伤害就是了)
新晋小愚 2016-12-17
是不是应该叫热狗情缘,两人至少吃了三次相同的热狗!Pour your heart out. 剖白?For you, ** watch is full of them. 对你来说我全天候*务!
suzie09-20 2016-11-26
2016年11月26日 打算到圣诞节 每天看一部圣诞电影 电影的美国圣诞爱** 平淡