Things aren't looking good for the world's population; as we multiply at an alarming rate there is not enough food, *****... or sense. This intelligent film interweaves a fascinating 1960s rat experiment with a slick snapshot of today's ***** jungle.
纷扰就读书 2021-11-07
国内翻译为《疯涨的人口》,爱奇艺就有视* 102分钟。讨论了John B Calhoun卡尔宏老鼠乌托邦在人类社会中进一步的思考(Death Squared: The Explosive Growth and Demise of a Mouse Population)。词条里面第一个截图的男教授是大名鼎鼎的hans rosling汉斯·罗林斯,他也是对人口很有兴趣的统计学家,可以看看他的TED演讲或者是他的有关人口增长的纪律片This World: Don't Panic - The Truth About Population 别恐慌:人口与经济 / This World: Don't Panic - The Truth About Population。B站有名字叫《保持镇定:人口真相》