During WWII, German films to be used in Germany for propaganda reasons were often intercepted by the Allies and sent to Canada. The National Film Board, under John Grierson, would then use the German footage in Allied propaganda. Churchill's Island, perhaps the most famous of the Western propaganda, extolls the virtues of the Allied cause while using Nazi footage to show the ev...
kubrick215 2017-11-24
加国及NFB的第一部奥斯卡获奖影片 世界上第一部奥斯卡纪录片 感谢John Grierson,这个Propaganda很到位
一颗豆腐 2020-10-19
七姐妹悬崖的开头在这个propaganda film里感觉很有质感 背景音乐也很到位 很有代入感的纪录片 感觉到战争的紧张和残酷了
透明空 2024-06-26
1941年,NFB凭借《丘吉尔岛》首次获得奥斯卡奖。该片属于一个宣传电影系列,也是洛恩·格林(Lorne Greene)担任画外音解说的众多影片中的第一部,因其对被俘敌人镜头极富想象力的运用以及格林解说传达出的令人振奋的情感而著名。(杰弗里·诺维尔-史密斯《世界电影史》)