《我最喜欢的小丑》又名My Favourite Clown、Мой любимый клоун、Moy lyubimyy kloun。
Sergei is a professional clown in the circus, and he knows how to make people happy. He is adopting the six-year old boy Vanka from a foster home. Sergei is a good man, who can provide unconditional love. But Sergei's wife suddenly separates from him, and Sergei is left alone with the tough decision to make.
阿森 2021-03-05
| 2012-04-07
在基辅拍的这片子遇上了切尔诺贝利..然后就没有然后了 不过仍然有一个毛子朋友说这是他童年最喜欢的电影