《绝至之地 第二季》又名极端的世界。
Ross Kemp travels to some of the most dangerous, lawless and violent regions on Earth, to show how international organised crime, terrorists and local criminal networks have created alliances that are destroying the lives of millions of people. Covering stories that are deemed too dangerous to tell, getting first-hand accounts from the victims of crime; he will join the police ...
Hg 2020-04-21
打开豆瓣页面还蛮惊讶的,至少我看的《印度性产业》这集值得此片有中文介绍。 **在印度是合法产业,一亿多美元的GDP来源于此,警察、黑帮分子、政府参与其中,他们是产业的最大收获者。被卖的女孩从9岁、12岁被关进小黑屋,每天接客,只拿到几美分,年轻的她们犹如空壳。而婚外***又是被禁止的,女孩子因这个理由被“荣誉辱杀。”呵,无力的世界。