An elderly watchmaker stops a beautiful young blonde from committing ******* by throwing herself off a bridge. They eventually marry, and things go well until a man from the woman's somewhat unsavory past shows up and attempts to blackmail her. Written by frankfob2@yahoo****
Caneloni 2020-06-29
心碎小故事。 Haas依然演这种道德上过于干净的人(其实这个三角恋中三人的道德水平都高得令人咋舌)。从男二和死者吵架一幕就能知道后面走向,可能的冤狱和良心折磨之类,平平无奇的B级剧情。记忆点仍是Hass式的充满人情味的人物、自然生活化的表演和说人话的台词。
祭祀 2012-09-11
超赞 在豆瓣竟然就这么点人气??......