《求求你愛我!》又名Love me, Please!、Lyubite menya, pozhaluysta!。
A picture of Russian fascists. The narrative construction is focused around the tragic death of the journalist Anastasia Baburova from the Novaya Gazeta, who was shot to death by a Russian nationalist in the very centre of Moscow in 2009. An evocative story about the right to *******, which is also shared by those who want to take it from others. Love Me, Please! is devoted to ...
熊仔俠 2014-03-11
多少良知和才華都被烏合之眾的無知和殘暴所戕害。以流浪狗開鏡又以流浪狗閉鏡。同時《新報》的記者,Anna Politkovskaya和Anastasia Baburova卻落得遇刺的悲慘結局。導演所選用的俄羅斯納粹短片真是力度十足。起碼讓人明白到民族主義乃新世紀人類文明的一大流毒。