This was one of the very first VHS tapes I hunted down. Here we have what I consider the worst film of all time. Not only is it shot on video, but the editing, padding, acting, etc. are absolutely awful. There is no part of this film of any value other than the nostalgia it brings 25 years later. The cover is classic, with Ms. Alden decked out in her nurse outfit lifting a knif...
tony 2012-05-26
又是导演Nick Millard主演这部血腥电影之作,另部作品疯狂的犯罪的姐妹级电影,不过这部死亡**电影口味比前几部作品强的多,解剖。**,肢解..一些重口味风格,特别对女的拿的大菜刀砍死人那段情节最给力了,**如麻,相当不错..