In the 1980s, ruthless Colombian ******* barons invaded Miami with a brand of violence unseen in this country since Prohibition-era Chicago. ******* Cowboys is the true story of how Miami became the drug, murder and cash capital of the United States. But it isn't the whole story... Pulling from hundreds of hours of additional interviews and recently uncovered archival news foot...
听风是雨张老望 2018-07-02
其实就是2006年高分纪录片******* Cowboys第一部的加长版(我下载错了…),视效制作明显不是2014年的水准,只是在片尾放上了第一部之后很多人的下落,基本都死了。比06版多一小时但也少了很多内容。题材超五星,但旁白太乱了很多时候分不清谁在说话,扣一星