Young and good looking Katya, a window dresser for a big department store in Pittsburgh, begins a love story with a journalist, Mac Odell. She is however stalked by Jack, a married man who has a fixation with her. Jack makes Katya’s life hellish and when the girl tells his wife about him he becomes wild with fury having been exposed and goes to the store to kill her.
罗西基 2018-04-13
三星:Diane Lane年轻时真是****般的存在,风情万种迷死人。剧情其实不落俗套,谁也靠不住,那就不如索性以彼之道还施彼身,你毁了我的生活,我就让你坠入黑暗...
懿儿 2023-12-19
导演没为更高的冲突做好准备,导致半途而废!6分过高,5分又过低…… 唯气氛、音乐,演员们的美貌无庸置疑!