Have You Heard From Johannesburg is seven documentary stories, produced and directed by Connie Field, chronicling the history of the global anti-apartheid movement that took on South Africa’s entrenched apartheid regime and its international supporters who considered South Africa an ally in the Cold War. **主辦世界盃,是時候回顧這個國家走向****的艱巨歷程。**有過不光彩過去,為維護少數白人特權,曾經實施臭名昭著的種族隔離政策。但抗爭讓夢想成真,...
公園仔 2010-08-29
20100828 1415 Arts Centre - watched first 3 episodes: The Road to Resistance (64 min), Hell of a *** (58 min), The New Generation (58 min)
Fluffernutter 2017-06-02
看了最后两集,“the bottom line”和“******* at last”,不是很习惯这种纪录片的叙述方式,但是观后深深感受到**的种族隔离问题短时间内太难解决了,比美国的问题还要严重,希望一切都能向好的方向走
喝水马桶 2023-09-05
要不是课上要求可能永远也看不完的纪录片 果然没有任何一条**之路是风调雨顺、不需要付出血泪和多方努力的
陳甜寶 2010-08-28
2010/8/28 2:15pm Agens.b cinema 只看了第一至三集