At Baycrest, an old-age home in Toronto, we follow a social worker as she talks to residents, particularly Max, Claire, Ida, and Rachel. The film opens on Claire's birthday, she's 89; Max, a tiny cheerful man, is her close friend. Rachel is lonesome, missing her son, complaining he rarely visits. Ida relies on memory for her solace. Helen has no memory and doesn't recognize her...
馬祖惠 2013-01-18
Claire,cry. Max, sing. Ida, care. Murry, flirt. Mrs. Baker, question. 回顧前半生。問問題。 記住忘記的。然後忘記記住的。 每天。
kubrick215 2017-08-29
数字**早期产物 颇为原始 可Allan King从未放弃过适应新**的自我表达。老人的选择性记忆 只能记住最好的回忆。无事可做 又被回忆困扰 面对**又无力反抗 实则是很悲哀的。延续了他早年的几部青少年的纪录片 均是一组人在封闭/压抑的环境下的生存境况 如实验观察般客观冷静 却也不失艺术家的悲悯
哺乳动物都会死 2016-06-30
The happiest and saddest people in the world
春泥巴 2019-10-24