In this indie comedy from helmer Bob Byington, dry wit and deadpan humor abound as aptly named lyricist Harmony (Justin Rice) insists on wallowing in misery eons after being unceremoniously dumped by his girlfriend, the lovely Jessica (Kristen Tucker). While the members of Harmony's family are long over his antics, that doesn't stop him from milking his heartbreak and telling h...
星际密探 2023-10-25
真正看到正片的时候,才突然发现为这部片源找到崩溃整整一晚上的痛苦都完全不重要了,大剂量付出的来回被白费总能拽出人内心最负面的情绪,急得拿头撞了半宿的墙,但这片子美丽的结果告诉我全都没关系,全都 完全 没关系
CHAOOOS!!! 2023-10-21
青涩又可爱的电影 感谢熊熊为了我也捣鼓了一晚上 已翻译