Welcome to the world of stamps with Tommy Tricker and friends as they learn the magic of travelling through time and ***** for the mere price of the postage. Though of course, nothing is as easy as it seems as they soon learn when they try to rescue Charles Merriweather, a stamp traveller frozen in time since his last attempt at stamp- travelling, 65 years ago. But Charles turn...
momo 2019-02-03
啊……2021年了,我还是确定不是当年电影*道放的那个一集一集短片的邮票电影,有生之年那// 找了几年,终于在国外的一个网站找到了资源,可是没有字幕。也许小时候的记忆太远了,好多片段都混淆了,但小时候在电影*道看过的应该就是这部了!
Smile Queen 2012-02-21
The movie made me dream of Canada when I was eleven years old.
Sonatinas 2023-06-11
这部作品是Tommy Tricker and the Stamp Traveller(邮票旅行记)的续作,承接了之前的故事情节和人物设定。如果没有看过前作的话,这一部中的有些细节可能会令人感到疏离。
近似无限透明蓝 2010-07-16
风一样的喷子 2021-08-21