《背蓝书包的小女孩》又名The Girl with the Blue Schoolbag。
《背蓝书包的小女孩》是墨西哥影史上最经典的儿童片,曾在墨西哥国内创下观看人数最高纪录,几乎每个墨西哥小孩都曾看过这部影片,童年时对电影的美好回忆。这部影片在81年又拍了续集,同样获得了成功。 One of the most popular and successful family films in Mexican history tells the story of the love shared between two children regardless of their social standing. Pedro Fernandez--who's successful recording career began as a result of this production--stars as a young man who strugg...
Haleyrink1897 2020-06-09
简介看着挺** 第一部字幕死活调对不上,男主潜力歌手 屡次唱情歌撩妹