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Season 29, Episode 16
why is nbc kissing his *** so badly
oh mr. trump please stop doing your darrell hammond impressions cuz he's way way way hotter than you! XDDD "father and son"那一段seth的萌度不低於黃色雞崽(・∀・)
seth的父子戏好动情喂 后来的白宫晚宴这样挤兑粑粑 主播你个没良心的哟
jo 2011-12-18
why is nbc kissing his *** so badly
Lynn ♥ 2012-06-14
oh mr. trump please stop doing your darrell hammond impressions cuz he's way way way hotter than you! XDDD "father and son"那一段seth的萌度不低於黃色雞崽(・∀・)
楚。 2013-02-22
seth的父子戏好动情喂 后来的白宫晚宴这样挤兑粑粑 主播你个没良心的哟