《女人帮》又名Gang of Women、Essabet el Nissae。
Two Turk reporters arrive to Beirut hoping to send back exciting reports but days pass without them finding a good story, just when they decided to go back to Turkey they accidentally discover the hideout of all women gang forging banknotes, they insist on discovering the leader and they follow a singer who they think is the big sister but things are not as ****** as it seems.
**兔小芬 2014-12-14
保养并不是让你瞬间变年轻,而是十几年过去了,依然看起来还是一样年轻! 50岁的刘嘉玲和30岁的蔡依林站在一起,根本看不出刘嘉玲比蔡依林大20岁,甚至比蔡依林更美更有气质!**们,请记住:美丽是种责任!徽信comeon1928134387