An animated short film from The National Film Board of Canada: Children, like adults, have days that go wrong. This film shows how one little girl overcomes the day's frustrations by diving into an underwater fantasy where she spends time with her friend, the lady octopus. After playing many wonderful games together, the little girl re-enters the world of reality feeling fine a...
香槟铁皮屋 2020-04-20
#ONF App上可以看#看儿童动画的时候总会到想大人的世界对小孩子的“忧愁”的不屑一顾,“税收、犯罪、军防开支的问题总显得比跟孩子有关的问题重大”,可伤心不论属于小孩还是大人,贫*还是国王,都是没有办法称重比较但又同样值得注视的吧。
文泽尔 2009-06-29
解决俗世烦恼的方法果然是diving into the sea么?deep deep under the sea那美丽孩子的长发和可爱睡衣,还有全片蓝色的基调,童真的讲述和梦的**,也让人心情愉快呢。章鱼先生下午茶、游戏、讲故事还有那些可爱的鱼,女孩的挑眉——中间的那个唱段,有第五元素中外形天籁的感觉,可能正是原型吧。最后梦醒,看到章鱼先生的原型,还有那缺门牙的女童声咬出“the end”时,整个片子在童话感中完美了。