《水準原点》又名Datum point。
Waves keep rolling at the screen, breaking, forming powerful eddies, leaving traces of their energy. They are made of plasticine. The animation becomes the visible expression of the intuitive forming of and the resistance offered by the raw material, accompanied by minimalist electronic sounds. With this film Ryo Orikasa creates a compelling haiku based on the works of the Japa...
linda 2018-12-27
在CISFF**动画论坛看到这部短片,当时的感受很深,现在有点忘记了😂 里面的旁白解说 哲学意味很浓,应该再反复看几遍
索里提亚 2018-12-28
#CIAFF2018# 不太懂。感觉很有哲学韵味。
RoXang 2018-11-16