Detective Michael Tabb knows the **** of St. Louis inside and out. He has felt its true heart, as much as its dark underbelly: but he does not know who, in both the dark and light - is taking the lives of young girls. He only knows that their burned and broken bodies are washing ashore along the Mississippi River, never to return home. He wears the scars of the one time he got ...
kickass 2017-03-20
I have a vision,电影还没上映总感觉需要把话说在前面,尽管她是大卫林奇的女儿,但是感觉后人还是会将她和她爸作比较。所以,还是期待一下,希望只有让人耳目一新的感觉。以上也许只有我一个人这样觉得吧。因为David Lynch只有一个。
木可流芳 2017-11-16