Laura's parents divorced when she was eight. Now, at thirteen, she lives with her mother, her stepfather, two stepbrothers, a stepsister, and a half-brother. She used to visit her father, stepmother (third stepmother) and half-sister, but now *another* divorce is in the works, so Laura visits her father and his pregnant girlfriend -- who's only six years older than she is. Who ...
bling-bling 2011-09-08
hfxxx 2022-12-26
作为一个儿童电影观感已经不错了,女主很美,不过好像只是作为童星出演了几部后面就没有作品了;这个家庭是真的大,结果就是一到群戏整个画面就松散如同剧组**的场面简直乱成一锅粥;Josh说实话挺像Griffin Dunne的但是总感觉五官很诡异像是幼年伏地魔;Dunne确实像是艺术家但是不像是有那种四处播种的心理问题的人;Shelly依旧美,虽然这个片子跟我想象的完全不一样;所以怀了David的twins的Steph就跟David的大儿子走了??这个家庭真是有点东西
烧烧 2013-06-15