arlos wants to be an actor. But his father, Pepe, wants him to work in the family business, that is, male prostitution. Carlos decides that he will be one of his father's boys until he can get his foot in the door in Hollywood. Finally one of his clients, a rich soap star, offers him a bit part in her show. Pepe tell Carlos that she is just using him and demands that he not see...
ryan 2010-08-16
荒唐的父亲. a rather decent film. 唯一的同性元素不过是男主街头**不分男女而已.. 写到这里又觉得我该给3星. 想不起有什么特别好的地方? 但大抵是临近结尾. 这破碎而疯狂的家庭终于迎来了比较好的结局. 那种喜从悲来. 于是缓了一口气.
Lycidas 2014-04-21